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Time Approvals

The Time Approvals section shows the time entries that are submitted and awaiting approval. The following functions are available:

  1. View list of time entries submitted for approval. See figure 1 below.
  2. Edit Time Entry.
  3. Approve time entry. The following processes occur when time is approved:
    1. System will send an email alert when the configuration "Enable Time/Expense alert (Y/N)" is set to "Y".
    2. If the activity has a valid leave code assigned to it, it will accrue hours approved as leave balance.
    3. If the time entry activity has a valid paycode and the configuration "Import approved Time entries from ESS when pay is created (Y/N)" is set to "Y" then these entries are marked for processing in the next payroll run.
    4. If the time entry activity has a valid timesheet paycode (ANHRS,ADHLF,ADTIM,APHOL) and the configuration "Automatically create payroll timesheet entry on time approval (Y/N)" is set to "Y" then these entries are created in payroll timesheet for employee's that are flagged as timesheet.
    5. If the expense/claim entry activity has a valid paycode and the configuration "Import approved expense claims from ESS when pay is created (Y/N)" is set to "Y" then these entries are marked for processing in the next payroll run.
    6. Billable time entries are marked for processing into JIWA Financials. See integration to JIWA Financials on how to configure this.
  4. Reject time entry. Entries rejected are reverted back as New status. System will send an email alert to the employee when the configuration "Enable Time/Expense alert (Y/N)" is set to "Y".


  1. Time approval workflow can be configured as follows. See figure 2 below:
    • Approval workflow for each employee. This is configured in the user maintenance menu.
    • Approval workflow for each Entry Type. This is configured in the Activity Type maintenance menu.

Figure 1: List of time entries for approval.

Figure 2: Time approval workflow.